welcome to wadi bin hashbal cooperative association
new association
A Saudi establishment established in 2011 specialized in providing an integrated business system in media and institutional communication services.
Evaluation team visit for governance standards
Sorry, this entry is only available in العربية.
The association president’s dialogue with the cooperatives newsletter
In an interview for the Cooperative Newsletter, the president of the "Bin Hashbal" Association: The association started with 420,000 riyals as capital and now it is 36 million riyals.
The editorial team of the "Cooperative Newsletter" in its second issue held a special dialogue with His Excellency Mr. Abdul Rahman Saad Mufreh Al Qatami, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative Society in Wadi Bin Hashbal, in which he touched on the story of the growth of the Cooperative Society in Wadi Bin Hashbal, and addressed a recent discussion to workers in the cooperative sector on how to diversify Investment and its economic returns contribute to the growth of associations
Meeting of the Consumer Committee and Development Bank
The Consumer Committee and the Social Development Bank held a meeting at the headquarters of the Council of Cooperative Societies
الاجتماع الحادي عشر للجنة الاسهلاكية
الإجتماع (الحادي عشر) للجنة الإستهلاكية،بمقر #مجلس_الجمعيات_التعاونية.
fourth association news
A Saudi establishment established in 2011 specialized in providing an integrated business system in media services, institutional communication, media production, communication consulting, planning, organizing and managing